Siri can handle your calls
In addition to her (or now his, if you prefer) new voice, Siri can manage your call log for you. Need to listen to a voicemail? Just ask. Want to call back whoever just rang and you missed? Siri can handle that, too. Just make the request and she (or he) will take care of the rest.
You can block calls and messages
If you want to block someone from sending you a call or message, you just need to goto Settings -> Phone and/or Settings -> Messages and find the Blocked section toward the bottom. Tap it and add any people you don’t want. You can always remove them if you change your mind.
Night Mode for Maps
Sometimes you don’t want a bright white screen in your face, like when you’re driving somewhere at night. Apple’s Maps app automatically adjusts based on the time and provides you with a darker interface so you don’t blind yourself while driving. You get this feature whether you like it or not, so there’s no need to figure out how to turn it.