Apple announced yesterday that preorders for the new iPhone 5S will begin Friday, September 13. It will be in stores starting September 20th. The price varies from $199-$399 for 16, 24 and 32 GB options. As rumored, the 5S will come with a fingerprint reader that is built directly into the home button! It will detect when your finger is on the button, without pressing in it. You’ll be able to authenticate purchases in iTunes and buy apps by using this fingerprint scan instead of using a password. The iPhone 5S will come in silver, gold and slate gray. Improvements have also been made to speed and the camera.
Meanwhile, the iPhone 5C is a lower-cost plastic model wrapped in one of five colors: lime green, white, yellow, red and bright blue. It has a 4-inch Retina display, and the same rear camera as the iPhone 5. The new model has a front-facing camera as well; it will cost $99 for a 16GB model, and $199 for 32GB.